A sculpture of England's fattest ever cow has been unveiled

The Craven Heifer became a national phenomenon in the 19th century, standing over 7ft (2.1m) in height and weighing nearly 178st (1,130kg).
Bred by the Rev William Carr on the Bolton Abbey Estate in Craven, she toured the country after being deliberately fattened up by her owner.
The beast has been immortalised in steel to celebrate the 160th year of the Great Yorkshire Show.
Named the GYSheifer, the sculpture stands at 6ft (1.8m) high and 11ft (3.3m) long and has been created by Emma Stothard.
She said: "We've pored over many paintings and documents charting the Craven Heifer's size.
"It's been exciting to bring her back to life for everyone to get an idea of how big she really was."
The sculpture will tour the region before the start of the Great Yorkshire Show in July.
Read full article on http://www.bbc.com/news/uk-england-york-north-yorkshire-43715407